Klinik Griya ASA, Semarang

dr. Yoga, Head of Griya Asa Clinic

Klinik Griya Asa is a sexual and reproductive health clinic located in the heart of the semi-official Argoredjo red-light district (lokalisasi) called Sunan Kuning in the western part of the port city of Semarang, not far from the city’s big bustling harbour and international airport.

The Sunan Kuning lokalisasi currently houses more than 700 female sex workers, who mostly reside and work within the red-light complex.Klinik Griya Asa is run by the Semarang branch of the PKBI, which is the Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association. The clinic is well established and has been operating for 12 years (since 2002). Previously, it has been supported by FHI (until 2009) and currently it is receiving a small grant by the USAID SUM II program.

Klinik Griya Asa provides sexual and reproductive health care services, with limited general health care services also being available. Most of its patients are female sex workers from the surrounding Sunan Kuning lokalisasi and the near by red-light district in Kendal.

Klinik Griya Asa works closely with Graha Mitra Foundation, which provides behaviour change interventions to female sex workers in the area and Semarang Gaya Community, a CSO providing services to MSM in Semarang.

The clinic is linked to a network of other health care providers, such as the nearby Puskesmas Lebdosari and the Elisabeth and Kariadi Hospitals (for PLWHA for the provision of ARV and the treatment of Opportunistic Infections).

Griya Asa is led by dr. Yoga, who together with his committed team of doctors and midwives, are willing to provide MARPs and other people in need with friendly sexual and reproductive health servics.

Muhammad Taufik Hidayat, Program Manager

So far, the clinic has not yet reached financial self-sufficiency (ca. 60% of the operational costs can be covered by clinic revenues) and still depends on support from the provincial PKBI office and to a minor degree other donors.The Griya Asa team hopes to be able to stand on its own feet in the near future, e.g. through expanding its services to a wider range of patients from outside the red-light district.

Angsamerah in partnership with SUMII Project’s USAID provided Technical Assistances to the clinic to be able financially sustainable in providing their mission toward high quality and friendly services with affordable prices. The three months project had been completed and without doubt the three months assistances is not yet adequate to fullfill this ultimate goal.

Angsamerah believes their dream is feasible to be achieved, and would like to invite anyone to join to support their dreams and transfom it into a success story. There are various type of collaborations and contributions that can be developed that may benefit mutually to any parties. If you are interested or have questions about this cause please kindly contact us at customer@angsamerah.com

Angsamerah rhymes for social entrepreneurship in healthcare services.

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