Angsamerah’s workshop rhymes with FUN, Productive Results and Quality

The first workshop “Practical Lessons: Clinical Management (SEX, DRUGs and HIV), Interpersonal Communication, and Business Strategy in Primary Health Care Services, for General Practitoners in the Private Sector” was successfully held on 10 to 11 July 2014. The workshop was endorsed by IDI (Indonesian Medical Association) with technical and financial’s support from ASHM, Australia, and proudly designed and delivered by Angsamerah Institution and our network experts.


Dr. Adien Esty

“From this training, I learned many new things. I am used to work closely for health issues related to HIV, AIDS, methadone, drugs, and even sexuality. Only this time, we do not just get one thing, but the training highlighted all the subjects comprehensively, and not from one side only”

“Dari pelatihan ini banyak hal dibukakan, aku memang terbiasa dengan HIV/AIDS, metadone, narkoba, dan isu seputar seks tapi baru kali ini ikut pelatihan yang bukan hanya satu sisi yang disorot tapi banyak sisi yang disorot.”

dr. Nur Upik Een Masrika

Dr. Nur Upik Een Masrika

“My impressions about this training, just by heard the title alone I am already excited. Then when I followed the subjects about soft skill, HIV and AIDS, and co-infections, it even has motivated us to develop a clinic, and developing our own potential as primary health care physician or general practitioner.”

“Membaca judulnya saja sudah exited, kemudian sesudah mengikuti beberapa materinya ada soft skillnya, HIV/AIDS, Koinfeksi memang membuat termotivasi untuk mengembangkan klinik dan potensi yang ada pada dokter layanan primer.”

The second workshop was passionately accomplished in Jakarta from 8 to June 2015. To complement the workshop, we also organized a bedside teaching session for selected participants. Read more about this second workshop.

The upcoming of the third workshop will be shortly available.

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