Health Fair 2017

British Petroleum (BP) and Angsamerah Joining Forces Against HIV-AIDS

On April 5-6, 2017, British Petroleum (BP) Indonesia has conducted a Health Fair at its headquarters at Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia in South Jakarta. Angsamerah had been invited to join this year’s Health Fair with the purpose of providing free HIV counseling and testing (VCT) services to BP employees, to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS and promote the two Angsamerah sexual and reproductive health clinics.

The Health Fair took place at the premises of the Grand Pavilion, where numerous health providers from across Jakarta, mainly hospitals and clinics, set up promotional booths and provided general health information and on the spot screening of blood sugar levels, blood pressure and uric acid. This was followed by a talk show on cancer prevention and musical entertainment.

The Angsamerah booth provided information on various sexual and reproductive health issues, including HIV and AIDS, activities and achievements of Angsamerah Institution, and showcased the two Angsamerah sexual and reproductive health private clinics located in South and Central Jakarta. Voluntary HIV counselling and testing services were provided by Angsamerah nearby at the Tirta Medica Center in the BP office, which allowed for more privacy. A total of 16 individuals underwent HIV testing during the two days Health Fair.

This is the third time BP and Angsamerah have collaborated with the purpose of raising awareness about HIV and AIDS among BP’s workforce and providing free VCT services. It is hoped that in the future there will be more opportunities to join forces in the fight against HIV and AIDS, whether it is through the provision of educational sessions, HIV testing services or activities focused on reducing HIV associated stigma and discrimination.

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