COFRA – Angsamerah Foundation’s Partnership

Executive Summary

Angsamerah Foundation is an affiliate of Angsamerah Institution, which has established itself as an important player within the field of sexual and reproductive health in Indonesia. Angsamerah’s aim is to contribute to the improvement of the Indonesian health system by providing high-quality, friendly, comprehensive and accessible information and services for the promotion of better sexual and reproductive health, as well as for the prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS and other STIs in Indonesia.

The core businesses of Angsamerah Institution include the operation of private clinics providing high-quality, friendly and private health services to “at-risk” populations and general public, to serve as a clinic model (incubator) for other clinics, and provide public health consulting.

Angsamerah Foundation’s efforts center around its newly established clinic, Klinik Yayasan Angsamerah, which started operating in July 2013. Its aim is to increase the access to quality health care services, in particular for “at-risk” populations. The clinic represents a model of public-private partnership, resulting from a cost-sharing agreement between SUM II (USAID) and Angsamerah Foundation, financial and technical assistance from COFRA Foundation and Angsamerah Institution, and collaboration with local government institutions.

COFRA Foundation has contributed to the establishment of the clinic in two important ways. Firstly, COFRA paid for a consultant to assist the clinic with its financial planning, enabling Angsamerah’s team to develop a revenue generation model. Secondly, additional financial support has allowed for the purchase of all equipment (medical and non-medical) for the clinic and laboratory and contributed to the renovation of the clinic.

Within the first 7 months, the clinic has provided services to 249 patients, and detected 46 new HIV cases. The number of patients accessing the clinic is currently still low, as we have not yet been able to promote and market the clinic on a large scale. It is our priority for the next twelve months to significantly increase the number of patients coming to the clinic, to validate the clinic model and to reach our goal of long term sustainability for the operation of the clinic. Hence, the development and subsequent implementation of an ambitious marketing plan is a key element of this year’s scope of work related to the new clinic.

Read more about COFRA Company

Project manager for this partnership is Mr. Felix Neuenschwander

Angsamerah rhymes for social entrepreneurship in healthcare services.

Are you interested to have partnership with Angsamerah? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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