Knowledge is Power

Elsevier and Angsamerah for Better Healthcare in Indonesia

The Indonesian International Hospital Expo at the Jakarta Convention Center, which was held for the 29th time this year from October 19 – 21, is the biggest hospital, medical, pharmaceutical and clinical laboratories equipment and medicine exhibition in Southeast Asia. It provides a good opportunity for healthcare players to network and meet new people, explore potential opportunities, and commence new partnerships.

One such new approach has been made between Elsevier and Angsamerah, during an interesting and pleasant discussion at the Elsevier booth. Elsevier is a world-leading provider of information solutions that enhance the performance of science, health, and technology professionals. Elsevier provides web-based, digital solutions – among them ScienceDirect, Scopus, Elsevier Research Intelligence and ClinicalKey — and publishes over 2,000 journals, including The Lancet and Cell, and more than 33,000 book titles, including a number of iconic reference works.

Elsevier has now offered Angsamerah free trial of its services for a period of several months. This will allow Angsamerah and its team of doctors and consultants to explore the wealth of information and features offered through the platform, helping them to make better decisions and deliver better care. This is especially valuable in the light of the upcoming launching of Angsamerah’s newest model of healthcare delivery, which is an online HIV/AIDS clinical mentoring service from doctors for doctors.

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