German Master Student Looking at the Operational Efficiency of Klinik Yayasan Angsamerah

On the afternoon of Tuesday, April 5, 2016, Paul Spoerl, Master student of the Supply Chain Management degree programme at the University of Cologne, visited Klinik Yayasan Angsamerah in South Jakarta as part of his study visit to Indonesia. Paul, who is said to be the best student in his degree programme at the University of Cologne, is supervised by Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kuntz, Head of Business Administration and Health Care Department at the University of Cologne. Kuntz is leading in the area of hospital management and has cooperated with a high number of German hospitals to improve their operational efficiency.

Paul’s Master thesis looks at the operational efficiency of Indonesian hospitals, a topic highly relevant in times of profound changes in the Indonesian medical environment caused by the introduction of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). In his thesis, Paul will analyse and elaborate areas of improvement from an operational perspective.

During his visit at Angsamerah Paul engaged in an interesting and vivid discussion with Dr. Nurlan Silitonga, Director and Founder of Angsamerah Institution, and Felix Neuenschwander, Project Manager of Angsamerah Institution, to find out more about Angsamerah clinic’s operational and service system. Paul learned, among other things, that a high service quality, customer comfort, and efficiency in service delivery and management are core values and aspects of Angsamerah’s clinic and social business models. However, Dr. Nurlan also highlighted the many challenges faced when it comes to the daily implementation of these aspects and finding the right balance between growing the business, contributing socially, and maintaining service quality and staff satisfaction.

Based on his observations during the visit, which will also be used for his thesis, Paul came forward with a number of ideas and suggestions to further improve the supply and demand processes of the clinic and to better utilize and improve the clinic’s SOPs and information and management system. Paul’s recommendations proofed to be of great value and are currently being reviewed by Angsamerah’s management team.

Paul’s quote summarizing his impression:

“During my visit I was overwhelmed by the passion and the initiative of the people working for Angsamerah. I believe that the work and the vision of this organisation can really make a difference for many Indonesian people and I hope that Angsamerah becomes a role model for others working in the health care industry.”

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