Angsamerah Events Global Ambassadors Program

Global Ambassadors Program

Vital voices women BelfaastIn May 2014, The Founder and Director of Angsamerah Institution, Dr. Nurlan Silitonga was selected as one of the participants of the Global Ambassadors Program in Belfast, Northern Ireland, to meet women business leaders from around the globe, to spur women’s leadership and economic advancement. In this program, Dr. Nurlan with 7 other women leader mentees from Croatia, Lebanon, Libya, Northern Ireland, Palestine, Rwanda and Somalia gathered with senior successful executive women from Jordan, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Switzerland and USA to discuss strategies and tactics to help meet their goals.

The vision, missions and the upcoming goals of Angsamerah Institution were presented and discussed exclusively within these experienced women, which led to valuable strategic inputs and technical supports. For Dr. Nurlan, the Global Ambassadors Program has succeeded way beyond her imagination; it has both connected her to this network of extraordinary women from around the world as well as offered her a mentoring program that is exclusively designed to accommodate her personal and business needs. Communication and support from experts within this group of women is prolonged after the term of this one week program to ensure missions are achieved and goals are reached.

In 2011, Vital Voices and Bank of America came together to develop a signature partnership to accelerate women’s leadership development throughout the world. The Global Ambassadors Program, a Vital Voices and Bank of America partnership, connects women leaders who are a tipping point in terms of their professional, business and leadership paths with established women leaders for mentorship opportunities. The effort builds on Bank of America’s and Vital Voices’ history of investing in leadership development, which is guided by a belief that strong leaders are vital to healthy, vibrant communities and a core to creating economic growth.

Angsamerah-nurlan-Global-Ambassadors-Ireland-2Vital Voices Global Partnership is a leading non-governmental organization that identifies, invests in and brings visibility to extraordinary women around the world by unleashing their leadership potential to transform lives and accelerate peace and prosperity in their communities. Founded by former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 1997, the organization trains and mentors women leaders as agents of transformative change in economic development, human rights and political participation. The Vital Voices Global Leadership Network includes more than 14,000 leaders representing 144 countries who have trained and mentored 500,000 additional women and girls in their communities.



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