Klinik Keluarga Kita, YKIE, Batam


Klinik Keluarga Kita (KKK) is a private general health care clinic in Batam city. The clinic is run by Yayasan Komunikasi Informasi Edukasi (YKIE) Batam and has been operating for 7 years in three different locations. KKK has first opened its doors in 2007 in the Nagoya entertainment district, where it operated until 2011. Many of its clients were FSWs from the surrounding entertainment establishments and to a lesser degree their partners and clients, including some expatriats. But due to high operational costs, the clinic was forced to move to another less expensive area called Jodoh. KKK then operated in the Jodoh neighborhood for 2 years. Some of the former clients continued to frequent the clinic but costs in Jodoh were still too high and in 2013 KKK was forced to move once again.

dr. Yamin, Head of Keluarga Kita Clinic

The clinic is currently located in a small house in a housing complex in the Sei Panas neighborhood and YKIE is in the process of buying the property on credit. The small house also serves as a meeting room and small office for the foundation. The location of the clinic in the housing complex is hidden away from view and not strategic at all and only a small fraction of the former clients are still accessing its services. However, KKK is planning to move back to a more strategic location in the Nagoya with the support from SUM II, USAID.

KKK is a general health care clinic but since its opening in 2007 most of its clients have accessed the clinic for sexual and reproductive health services, in particular HIV and STI testing and for contraception. Most of the clients were and still are female sex workers (FSWs) and to a lesser degree their partners and clients. Due to its present unstrategic location the patient numbers have gone down dramatically, from 5 – 10 per day (when the clinic was still located in Nagoya) to 1 – 2 today. KKK is linked to a network of other health providers for referrals, with the most important one being the Budi Kemulian Hospital (for ARV therapy and OIs).

The head of KKK is dr. Yamin, who is an experienced general practitioner showing high committment toward the clinic and the well being of his clients. Together with his small team he is providing quality and friendly services to MARPs. One of the main challenges is that the clinic has not yet reached self-sufficiency, partly because of its frequent change of location and the team’s limited knowledge in managing a private health care business. Yet, Batam is a place full of opportunities, with an ever increasing population of migrants from accross Indonesia, a considerable expatriat community and close proximity to Singapore and Malaysia. Rapid economic development and social change has brought with it a rapidly expanding and large sex industry.

Angsamerah-trainees-CHRISTINEV2BThere is clearly a large potential market of clients in need of quality and friendly sexual and reproductive health services. By moving back to a more strategic location in Nagoya and developing a solid business plan, KKK aims to take advantage of the unique conditions of Batam and become a model clinic for high-quality, friendly, private and affordable health services, attracting the middle and upper classes, the expatriat community and MARPs.

Angsamerah in partnership with SUMII Project’s USAID provided Technical Assistances to the clinic to be able financially sustainable in providing their mission toward high quality and friendly services with affordable prices. The three months project had been completed and without doubt the three months assistances is not yet adequate to fullfill this ultimate goal.

Angsamerah believes their dream is feasible to be achieved, and would like to invite anyone to join to support their dreams and transfom it into a success story. There are various type of collaborations and contributions that can be developed that may benefit mutually to any parties. If you are interested or have questions about this cause please kindly contact us at customer@angsamerah.com

Angsamerah rhymes for social entrepreneurship in healthcare services.

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