Klinik Keluarga YKB, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta

Klinik Keluarga Tanjung Priok in North Jakarta is one of five family planning clinics run by Yayasan Kusuma Buana in Jakarta and West Java Province. The clinic has opened its doors more than 30 years ago (in 1983) and has managed to stay open and provide services up to this day, which is a remarkable achievement.

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-Nelly-YKBFor the last 13 years Klinik Keluarga Tanjung Priok has been led by dr. Nelly Natalyza, who is a gerneral practitioner with extensive work experience, a strong committment and sense of belonging and who deals with her clients in a warm, humanistic and pragmatic way.

The clinic is located strategically close to the large harbour of Tanjung Priok and the Tanjung Priok train station in a densely populated middle-lower class neighborhood. Numerous MARP hotspots (such as semi-official lokalisasi areas and karaoke and dangdut bars) are located within close proximity of the clinic. The building is owned by YKB.

Klinik Keluarga Tanjung Priok is a private general health care clinic with special attention given to reproductive health issues of women and their children.

A majority of the client base is made up of house wives and pregnant women from the neighborhood but the clinic has also been successful in reaching FSWs (at the clinic and through mobile testing), who make use of the provided HIV and STI testing services. MARPs (mostly FSWs and to a lesser extent HRM), who are mainly referred by YKB and YAP outreach workers, make up about a third of the patients at the clinic.

The clinic is linked to a network of other health care providers (such as the Koja and Sulianti Saroso Hospitals), which serve as referral sites for ARV therapy or the treatment of opportunistic infections.

Angsamerah-trainees-Nita YKBThe success of the clinic and the fact that it has reached self-sufficiency over the years can be largely attributed to the high committment and competence of its staff and its affiliation with YKB, which is a well established community organization with long experience in running health services. Klinik Keluarga Tanjung Priok has been providing high-quality services at affordable prices for the middle and lower classes for many years and wishes to do so in the future.

The team at the clinic aims to further develop and strengthen its sexual health services and envisions to become a referral clinics for all matters related to sexual health in North Jakarta, including to be able to provide ARV therapy.

Angsamerah in partnership with SUMII Project’s USAID provided Technical Assistances to the clinic to be able financially sustainable in providing their mission toward high quality and friendly services with affordable prices. The three months project had been completed and without doubt the three months assistances is not yet adequate to fullfill this ultimate goal.

Angsamerah believes their dream is feasible to be achieved, and would like to invite anyone to join to support their dreams and transfom it into a success story. There are various type of collaborations and contributions that can be developed that may benefit mutually to any parties. If you are interested or have questions about this cause please kindly contact us at customer@angsamerah.com

Angsamerah rhymes for social entrepreneurship in healthcare services.

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