Angsamerah Trainings June 2015 Narrative Activity Report

Practical Lessons

Clinical Management (SEX, DRUGS & HIV), Interpersonal Communication, and Business Strategy in Primary Health Care, for General Practitioners

This three day workshop had been successfully conducted between the 8th and 10th of June 2015 at UKI private hospital in East Jakarta, and the one day bedside teaching conducted subsequently at Klinik Yayasan Angsamerah on 11th of June 2015. Both the workshop and bedside teaching components are part of an Angsamerah initiative called “Strengthening the Indonesian Health Workforce – A collaboration between Angsamerah, ASHM and its Indonesian professional society partners”, which aims at providing general practitioners, who work in the private sector, with comprehensive basic knowledge related to the clinical management of HIV and AIDS, STI, hepatitis, tuberculosis and recreational drug use. Moreover, the comprehensive support package also aims at equipping interested general practitioners with the basics of counselling, interpersonal communication, self-motivation, and business strategy.

The Three Day Workshop

The workshop constitutes the first of several components of a comprehensive support package for general practitioners, which includes both theoretical and practical aspects. A similar workshop for general practitioners, lasting two days, has been conducted in collaboration with ASHM and IDI in July 2014.

A total of 12 doctors participated in the workshop, which engaged a wide range of experienced national experts on HIV and AIDS, STI, HIV and hepatitis co-infection, HIV and tuberculosis co-infection, addiction medicine, gender and sexuality, counselling, communication and self-motivation. The workshop had been structured along three thematic and methodological blocks, each lasting one day:

Day 1 – Focus on Communication, Counselling, and Self-Motivation:

On the first day of the workshop was reserved to equip participating doctors with the basics of interpersonal communication and counselling, as well as self-motivation and goal setting. The three sessions “Steps of Positive Character Building” (self-motivation and goal setting), “Basics of Interpersonal Communication”, and “Basic Counselling” were delivered by a team of skilled experts from Angsamerah.

Participants learned, among other things, that good communication skills are pivotal to a successful and rewarding practice. Health providers need to be able to communicate well and clearly with clients (patients), staff, partners, associates, and stakeholders. Particularly when dealing with patients who suffer from conditions. This in turn will lead to a more profitable and enjoyable practice, because clients that a doctor communicates with well will trust and like their doctor and are thus more likely to return.

Day 2 – Focus on Clinical Aspects: HIV and AIDS, STI, hepatitis, tuberculosis and recreational drug use:

Comprehensive and up-to-date clinical knowledge related to HIV and AIDS, STIs, hepatitis, tuberculosis and addiction problems are vital for any competent general practitioner in today’s world. However, in reality, many general practitioners, both in the private and public sectors, still lack comprehensive knowledge in this regard.

Therefore, the second day of the workshop dealt with a wide variety of clinical issues related to SEX, HIV & DRUGS, delivered by renowned national experts. But before diving into the world of medicine, participants were provided with an introduction into sexuality and gender, which is fundamental knowledge for doctors dealing with clinical issues related to SEX, HIV & DRUGS.

Day 3 – Focus on Praxis: Case Study (Clinical) and Business Strategy

On the third and last day of the workshop, the focus was laid on practical aspects, allowing participants to draw from their professional experience and to apply their newly gained knowledge and skills during a number of interactive case study discussions delivered by facilitators from UKI hospital, Infectious Disease Hospital Sulianti Saroso, and Angsamerah.

The participating doctors were enthusiastic about the case study discussions, participated actively and asked many critical questions. The case studies served as valuable teaching material, demonstrating both classical and unusual presentations which may confront the practitioners in their professional lives.

After lunch, the participants were provided with basic knowledge related to business management and strategy. Particularly doctors who work in the private sector running their own private clinic or practice need to have at least basic knowledge about how to manage a private clinic business and in business strategy. The participating doctors listened with great interest to Dr. Nurlan Silitonga, who shared her knowledge, insights and advice during a session titled “Entrepreneurship skills for doctors”, making many references to her journey establishing the two Angsamerah private clinics and Angsamerah Institution. A session about “Personal Branding”, encouraging participants to be self-confident and take ownership of their personal and career paths and reach for their dreams.

All workshop participants received a certification (15 Credit Points) from the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI).

Bedside Teaching

On June 11, after the completion of the three day workshop at UKI Hospital, a one day bedside teaching training had been organized at Klinik Yayasan Angsamerah. Before seeing any patients, the two participating doctors learned in theory about the process of anamnesis, genital examination, testing procedures, how to open and communicate test results, treatment of different STIs, the usage of anoscopy and speculum, how to take a sample, fixation, staining, and laboratory analysis.

The bedside teaching as a patient-based teaching method proved to be very successful, as various aspects of clinical practice could be demonstrated and learned. All bedside teaching participants received a certification (8 Credit Points) from the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI).

Complete profiles of guest speakers and contributors can be accessed at Angsamerah Expert Networking.

Watch for the video.

Words from the participants about the workshop

Dr. Intan Novita

“The Angsamerah workshop has been very pleasant, friendly and lifts my spirit and encourages me to open a new business.”

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-apifuddin  Dr. Apifuddin

“Very interesting indeed. Broadening doctor’s mind about what the role of health services within society could be, beyond what is usually expected. Moreover, the opportunity of a health service business that can provide us with a better future.”

Dr. Lusia Sirait

“It is great for doctors to have a new point of view, especially about being an entrepreneur and personal branding. It just makes me love my profession even more!”

Read more this second workshop detail report

Information about the first workshop

Video of the workshop, with explanation from the trainers and comments from the trainees

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