Linette Collins

Linette has lived and worked in Indonesia since June 2006. She has over 30 years experience working in public health, health systems, research, teaching and law enforcement areas. Linette has also worked in Australia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Myanmar, China, Timor Leste and Afghanistan.

Linette was the HIV Adviser with AusAID in Indonesia from 2006 until 2010. Since then she has worked as a contractor in Indonesia and the region including for the National AIDS Commission, WHO, UNAIDS, AusAID, the Global Fund for AIDS TB and Malaria, UNODC and UNICEF. She currently works voluntarily with a number of non-government organisations in the HIV field.

Linette’s areas of professional competence include health service planning, evaluation and delivery, HIV, drug law enforcement-particularly the relationship between law enforcement and drug related harms such as HIV, hepatitis C and drug overdose, development and delivery of training (including for police), research and editing. She has extensive knowledge of bi-lateral, multi-lateral & other international aid mechanisms. She was author on a number of peer-reviewed publications and has made many presentations at conferences in Australia and internationally.

Linette has a Diploma of Social Studies (Social Work) from Melbourne University and a Master of Public Health (Hons) from Sydney University. She speaks and reads Bahasa Indonesia at an intermediate level.

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