Yen Yerus Rusalam

As a project management professional, Yen Yerus Rusalam, are having an outstanding experience in leading community development project, HIV and AIDS prevention to care project, and related projects to community social welfare, which is not limited but includes water supply and sanitation, village primary health care, small scale entrepreneur development.

With his Professional experience for 35+ year with several International Private Organizations and profit making company in Indonesia, Mr. Yen is a Hard but smart worker, adaptive, collaborative, innovative, responsive, independent, and committed person, in achieving his personal and /organizational target goal, with an expertise in evidence-based strategic and implementation planning, resource mobilization, monitoring and evaluation, training and coaching services, in organizational capacity development to strengthening for civil society organizations and private sectors in Indonesia.

Professional Experience
2016-6 to date
Individual consultant
provides short-term technical assistance in training and development, strategic and action planning, project implementation management. Some of institutions were served during the period are as follows:

  • US Forest Services;
  • Zoonotic Diseases Preparedness Project, IFRC – IndonesiavRed Cross;
  • Nuraida Mother and Child Hospital (RSIA Nuraida), Bogor;
  • Nuraida Islamic Boarding School, Bogor.

2013-4 – 2016-5
TRG Inc., Chief of Party for SUM II and DERAP’s USAID Assisted Project, Indonesia

  • Responsible for overall leadership in strategic planning, annual work plan, implementation management, budgeting, grant administrative management, and reporting.
  • Managing three years’ project budget, USD. 23 million.
  • Provided direction and oversight to project activities of three international partners RTI International, APMG, and Pact, Inc., and two local partners Yayasan Penabulu and Circle Indonesia
  • Managed 40 staff members that worked at central office and three provincial offices.
  • Provided grants to 60 civil society organizations that served the most needed population with HIV and AIDS prevention and care.

2010-6 – 2013-3
TRG Inc., Senior Expert in Organizational Capacity Development for USAID SUM II Project, Indonesia

  • Lead and manage planning, and coordinate organizational capacity development implementation to ensure the projected outputs and deliverables.
  • Developed and strengthened Civil Society Organization (CSO) capacity which primarily aimed at improving CSO’s organizational performance in long-term delivery, scale-up
    of coverage and quality services in HIV and AIDS prevention and care.
  • Working in collaboration with related stakeholders at national and sub-national levels including key ministries, and other donor-supported programs.

2010-1 – 2010-6
Technical Consultant to AIDsIna Foundation, Indonesia

  • Provided technical assistance to Japan Red Cross Society (JRCS) in the final evaluation of JRCS assisted HIV and AIDS program that was implemented by Indonesia Red Cross of North Sumatera Province.

2008-7 – 2009-12
Senior Technical Advisor for FHI ASA and AusAID HIV Cooperation Program for Indonesia (HCPI)

  • Served FHI ASA and AusAID HCPI with technical consultant in program development, advocacy, workplace program, strengthen organizational capacity of Implementing

2001-2 – 2008-6
Chief Program Development Unit, FHI ASA, Indonesia

  • In partnership with Indonesia National AIDS Commission (NAC) provided technical assistance in HIV-AIDS program management and technical capacity to Sub-national AIDS Commission, GOI related sectors, private sector, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Coverage: seven provinces and 78 districts.
  • Served 90 CSO Implementing Partners in organizational capacity development and strengthening focusing to HIVAIDS prevention and care program.
  • A core member of NAC in the development of National Strategic Plan and National Action Plan.
  • Provided technical assistance in management and implementation of HIV-AIDS prevention and care to Uniformed Services, Prisons and Detentions, and private
    sector workplace setting.

1995-6 – 2001-1
P.T. Freeport Indonesia (PTFI), Sr. Program Manager of Community Affairs Department
I succeeded in shifting PTFI community development program from charity approach to community-based development program. PTFI allocated annual budget to local foundation that managed by local indigenous leaders

  • Developed and oversaw the implementation of the department annual program plan.
  • Work in collaboration with local GOI of Papua Province and the District of Mimika (where Freeport operates its mining) in the plan and implementation of socio-economic program for local indigenous people of Mimika.
  • Managed sub-department annual budget, USD 3-7 million.
  • Provided management assistance to local foundation to in the construction and operational of private hospital for free of charge services to local indigenous people.

1993-9 – 1995-5
Deputy Country Program Manager, Catholic Relief Services, Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Managed the implementation of USAID-assisted Food-for-Work Project in four provinces in Indonesia
  • Established working in partnership with local CSOs to be the project implementing partners in the four provinces 1993-3 – 1993-8 Technical Consultant to EPOCH Project, PCI Indonesia
  • Provided technical assistance to EPOCH implementing partner, CSO in Bali Province to develop project proposal and its implementation plan

1986-7 – 1992-12
Chief Representative, CARE International Sumbawa Office, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia

  • Designed and managed the implementation of USAID and CIDA-assisted project – Water Supply and Sanitation, Dryland Farming System, and Child Survival Project for
    Sumbawa Island of West Nusa Tenggara Province.

1980-2 – 1986-6
Medical Section Head, Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM which is now called IOM), Tanjungpinang, Riau Islands, Indonesia

  • Responsible in the selection of Vietnamese and Cambodian Refugees for their migration to the third countries.

Bachelor Degree in economy, University of Riau, Indonesia, graduated in 1979.


  • Government Relations
  • Management of training
  • Training and mentoring services
  • Evidence-based strategic and action planning which includes budgeting
  • Resource mobilization management
  • Project performance appraisal
  • Supply chain management
  • Time management
  • Community-based management
  • Small scale entrepreneur development
  • Computer literacy

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