Question #26713



Hiv test result need help

Hello i hv done hiv test becouse almost 8 weeks or 9 weeks before my condom break

I done the test near my home in prodia , and they do 2 kind of test :

PCR= virus tidak terdekesi

and anti-hiv:
method 1= Non reaktif
interpretasi= Non reaktif

But in the pcr paper hv writing :

Metode: Real Time PCR Pemeriksaan dilakukan pada sistem COBAS Ampliprep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 RNA version 2.0, Roche Molecular System, Inc. < 2 x 101 copies/mL (< 1.30 Log copies/mL) virus tidak terdeteksi; >-2x 1041 copies/mL 1.30 Log copies/mL): virus terdeteksi. Rentang pemeriksaan: 2 x 1041 sampai dengan 1 x 10 7 copies/mL (1.30 sampai dengan 7 Log copies/mL) s/mL copies/ml

I dont understand this


Hi there.
Looking at the result, final result: you have non reactive HIV, because the machine cannot detect the virus.
The paper writing, is information about the normal range reference method of the machine.
Hope my answer satisfy you.
Have a great day.

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