Training for Youth Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Services-1

Training: Youth Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Physicians in Private Practice in DIY, 2013

From the 28th-31st of October 2013, the Angsamerah Institution conducted a training for physicians in the private sector in DIY with the topic “Friendly Sexual & Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents for Physicians in Private Sector in DIY”.

The training has been developed and conducted at the request of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), with the overall objectives to improve the knowledge and skills of physicians in the private sector to be able to provide a friendly, good quality and comprehensive of reproductive health care services to adolescents.

The training was delivered as a joint collaboration. Both the teams from PKBI and Happy Land Hospital contributed as speakers, endorsed by the Provincial Health Office DIY and the Indonesian Medical Association, with technical guidance and financial support were provided by UNFPA.

Read training report



Words from the participants about the training:

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-endar Dr. Endar

“It refreshed my knowledge, gave new experiences and perspective on how to understand the patient’s needs, especially for the adolescents who have problem related to reproductive and sexual health”

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-diah Dr. Diah

“It was a relaxed training, not boring and it met with the training objectives, training was interactive, not only sitting still and listening but also role playing and we learned about our weaknesses.”

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-Luci Dr. Luci

“The training was fun, not boring and enjoyable till the end of the session. The facilitators are pretty and cool, down to earth, and do no patronize…”

 Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-danang Dr. Danang

“Not boring, it applied various interactive methods between participants and facilitators, and the training gave new knowledge and skills. The role-playing enhanced our communication skills, as we learned about our weaknesses and learned how to communicate well with adolescents and we also gaide the skill to ask questions promptly, because doctors often forget about this.

Also, this training gave us new insights of knowing better about the adolescent, as well as learning how to communicate with them better. The training has been extremely useful”

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-suharno Dr. Suharno

“Good and role-pay exercises was great….”

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-nurhadi Dr. M. Nurhadi Rahman, SpOG

“… Superb, this should be done more often, the subject is ok and refreshing, unfortunately time availability of the participants attendance is quite difficult, may be next time, should be done outside of the town and make it for two days full class till night…”

 Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-evita Dr. Evita

“It was fun and refreshing. Also I learned many new things about adolescents in particularly related to reproductive health. Thank you for the opportunity to attend this training…”

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