A joint partnership UNFPA and Angsamerah Foundation in setting up and implementing UNALA program
In February 2014 to February 2015, a partnership agreement had been established between UNFPA and Yayasan Anak Bansa Merajut Harapan (Angsamerah Foundation) for the setting up and implementation of UNALA Program.
A private sector-led sexual & reproductive health model designed specifically for youth. UNALA is the UNFPA’s initiative and pilot in Yogyakarta with Angsamerah Foundation as the implementing partner. Yogyakarta is a province in Indonesia, which has a large proportion of youth, with many universities people and a mix of rural and urban youth (15 to 24 years old).
HRH Gusti Pembayun, Royal Princess of the Kingdom of Yogyakarta, is pleased to support the model to be piloted in Yogyakarta. She hopes that the model will be able to provide youth-friendly and accessible services for the youth who need them most. As a public figure who has been acknowledged for her leadership of and dedication to young people, she hopes that this initiative can support youth to have the self-esteem, knowledge and skills to strive to reach their fullest potential.
Description UNALA.pdf and link to the webiste UNALA.net
This project partnership was managed by Ms. Adhe Zam Zam Prasasti, S.Psi