
dr. Duc Nguyen (ASHM Program Manager - International) with dr. Lamsaria, MARS and the Team from Salemba Prison, November 2014

Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) and Angsamerah Institution

The purpose of the collaboration between ASHM and Angsamerah Institution

To maximise ASHM’s contribution to its partners and members in Indonesia. Thus, in a joint effort, a part-time ASHM Indonesia Project Coordinator has been recruited in late 2012 and been placed within Angsamerah Institution.

Role of ASHM Indonesia Project Coordinator

The ASHM Indonesia Project Coordinator is responsible for coordinating and facilitating all collaborations between ASHM and its Indonesian partners. The position is supported by the Angsamerah team and responsible for the following activities:

  • Coordinate and collaborate with the MoH to further contribution to the development of national HIV and viral hepatitis co-infection management, training and guidelines utilising the Guide for Clinical Management of HIV and Viral Hepatitis Co-infection.
  • Coordinate an annual review of the updated Addiction Medicine and HIV Short Course to provide inputs to national addiction medicine training program and guidelines.
  • Expand roll-out and evaluation of the clinical handbook, ‘Inikah HIV?’ to support earlier and more accurate diagnosis of HIV in primary health settings in Indonesia, which will contribute towards the implementation of the UNAIDS and MoH national Strategic Use of ARV Program.
  • Strengthen the capacity of health services in HIV diagnosis and management in Salemba and the new prison HIV program in Pemuda towards comprehensive health care services for prisoners with HIV and co-infections under the national Model Prison Program.
  • Continue to liaise and coordinate with sector partners in the IDI HIV/AIDS Program.
  • Continue to strengthen IDI participation in the Asia-Pacific Regional Professional Society Network (APRSN) as well as in relevant regional activities.
  • Project activities align with the Indonesian National HIV and AIDS Strategy and Action Plan 2010-2014 and 2015-2019 (with the latter currently being developed).

The position of the ASHM Indonesia Project Coordinator follows the HRD mechanism of Angsamerah under the Indonesian law. To date, dr. Lamsaria Siburian, MARS is appointed as the Project Coordinator for this partnership while she is doing working as a physician in Angsamerah Clinic and a mentor for other Angsamerah’s Project Technical Assistances.

Role of Angsamerah

Angsamerah will provide the following services and support in respect of hosting the ASHM Indonesia Project Co-ordinator position:

  • Manage the administration issues related to the ASHM Project Coordinator position.
  • Provision of office space and furniture. Use of telephone, internet, photocopy and printing services. Process salary for the position, including THR (13th month salary payment), health insurance, workplace insurance and income tax.
  • Provide day-to-day supervision.
  • Provide technical support to the position in relation to the activities and responsibilities, as described in the Project Coordinator Job Description.
  • Provide strategic advice to ASHM concerning the position and its potential and effectiveness, including advising ASHM on potential innovative ideas and opportunities for collaborations from the field/ASHM partners.

Brief about ASHM

The Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) is a peak organisation of health professionals in Australia and New Zealand who work with HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections. ASHM draws on its experience and expertise to support the health workforce and to contribute to the sector, domestically and internationally.

ASHM is a professional, not-for-profit, member based organisation. It supports its members, sector partners and collaborators to generate knowledge and action in clinical management, research, education, policy and advocacy in Australasia and internationally. It is committed to quality improvement and its products and services will be sought after by governments, members, health care workers and affected people. ASHM’s dedicated membership, high-calibre staff and commitment to partnership will assure its effectiveness in achieving its mission. ASHM is not religiously or politically affiliated.

In 2003, ASHM established an International Division to share the knowledge and experience gained by health professionals in Australia with colleagues in the region. ASHM’s International Division manages a series of programs aimed at improving the clinical care, treatment and management of HIV, viral hepatitis and sexual health in the Asia and Pacific regions. The main focus of the international division lies in establishing collaborative partnerships with other regional HIV and sexual health professional societies. Through these partnerships ASHM aims to support and develop the sharing of knowledge, skills and capacities of professional health care workers to provide best practice care and support to people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS. The program also supports the secretariats and administrative operations of these societies and the ways in which they can provide technical expertise to their national HIV programs. Indonesia is one of the countries in the region with which ASHM has established collaborative partnerships.

ASHM’s primary partner in Indonesia is the Indonesian Medical Association (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia – IDI). IDI is the national medical accrediting body, based in Indonesia’s capital city Jakarta. IDI established the HIV Secretariat in 2003, with support from ASHM and the AusAID Indonesia HIV program.

The HIV Secretariat conducts training programs in HIV treatment and management, including courses on co-infection with hepatitis and tuberculosis, AIDS related neurological conditions and other local issues. It is also engaged in a new project to oversee the development and ongoing review of national HIV treatment guidelines. This project is supported by the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Indonesia program, ASHM and the Ministry of Health. ASHM provides support to IDI through collaborative planning and delivery of training programs, systems management, including monitoring and evaluation of activities and sponsorships to national and regional meetings.

Read more about ASHM

Other relevant documentations related to this project

Petunjuk Klinis Koinfeksi HIV dan virus Hepatitis
Buku Inikah HIV bagi petugas kesehatan

This project partnership is managed by Mr. Felix Neuenschwander

Angsamerah rhymes for social entrepreneurship in healthcare services.

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