She has more than six years experiences, since 2016 up to March 2022, working for HIV enabling environment related issues for LINKAGES & EpiC Project, funded by USAID/PEPFAR, managed by FHI360 and PACT.
Reducing stigma & discrimination among key populations (KPs) and people living with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA), safety and security of community organization, staff, partners, beneficiaries were her biggest mandate to work. She managed some effort through capacity building and technical assistance of community partners and health care worker.
Prior to this assignment, she was trusted as the Executive Secretary of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), Global Fund Fights AIDS, TB and Malaria, from January 2014 – January 2016. In this effort she committed to support AIDS, TB, Malaria and Health System Strengthening program, as well as promoting productive and collaborative partnership with Government, Non-Government, community, and International Development Partners.
As Executive Secretary, she led the CCM Secretariat Team, supporting the CCM and Technical Working Group decision making process, participating in concept note development process and the implementation of the GF grant, becoming focal point of country to Global Fund Geneva and convey any decision of Global Fund to CCM and PRs.
She is interested to work on Health issues since 2005, worked with Indonesia’s national response to HIV and AIDS, initially (Oct 2005- Dec2006) on seconded from UNAIDS to assist the Monitoring and Evaluation division of the National AIDS Secretariat and thereafter (Dec 2006 – March 2013) as the Secretary and Assistant to the Secretary of the National AIDS Commission. During her period assisted Monitoring and Evaluation Division she was involved in supporting organization, management, and implementation of 100 cities/districts acceleration program. The first meeting of 100 cities/ districts (2006) intended to intensify and accelerate the response to AIDS in Indonesia and strengthen monitoring of local government support and commitment for the response.
In December of 2006, she was promoted to work as Assistant to the Secretary of the National AIDS Commission. In this position she had overall responsibility for professional support to the Secretary and smooth running of her office. In this effort, she was committed to promoting productive and collaborative partnership between the National AIDS Commission and government, the community, and international development partners. At the end of her period with NAC, she was trusted to manage the Indonesian Partnership Fund (IPF). IPF is a basket fund for HIV and AIDS response in Indonesia. Donors of the IPF are USAID (Government of America) and AusAID (Government of Australia). Her main duty was managing IPF Management Unit, maintain good relationship with donors and working group members, developing monthly, quarterly and annual report for donors, managing grant to 14 CSOs working in 21 Provinces in Java, Kalimantan, NTT, NTB and Sulawesi.
To date, she is joining Angsamerah organization to manage the Angsamerah’s contributions in providing technical assistances to the IQVIA-Angsamerah Consortium Project, mandated by the Global Fund Geneva to support the Indonesian HIV program related to Differentiated Service Delivery Strategic in Indonesia, which at the moment will be focusing on applying the Public Private and Community Partnership strategy to expand the provision of comprehensive HIV testing, care, and treatment services in private sector, with the entry point in healthcare service in Big Chain Hospitals in collaboration with community, civil society organizations and public healthcare services and Health Offices at National, Provincial and District level.