Question #25172



About window period versus testing method

Doctor, is there any testing method can present conclusive result when subject exposed to potential HIV in a month ?
If not, what is the best testing method available in Indonesia that has the shortest window period to capture virus/antibody ?
Also, I like to learn that is unprotected oral sex (man receive) considered to be a high risk activity ?


Dear Friend,
In Indonesia, following The World Health Organization (WHO) guideline, it states that HIV test results can be considered conclusive at 84 days (12 weeks) post-exposure.
The accuracy of the negative/positive result before the 84-day can vary depending on which test you used.
However, there are new HIV tests that are considered by specialists more conclusive than other tests. For instances:

  • The HIV - RNA/DNA PCR Test (a.k.a NAAT). It measures the amount of HIV virus in the person's blood. And only requires 10 days to be accurate. 
  • The HIV Rapid test - the 3rd Generation, which means to test antibodies, considered can detect the antibody for 4 to 6 weeks after exposure.
  • The 4th Generation (aka Combo test or DUO test) to detect antibody and P24 antigen protein, 28 days after post-exposure.

As a clinician it is important to discuss to the patients is the type of the risks of exposures that they have and type of the test that are used in the clinic. 
Unprotected oral sex is considered as low risk activity for HIV transmission, however there are other STIs can be transmitted through oral sex, such as Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, Hepatitis, HPV etc.
Therefore in Angsamerah to have an adequate consultation time between patient and doctor is our service priority. 

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