Dr. Danang Andriyanto

HAPPY DOCTOR, Angsamerah Network

What I know for sure is that Dr. Danang Andriyanto is the living proof that there are still doctors in Indonesia, and there are many of them, who are truly dedicated in their mission to serve patients wholeheartedly and give their best despite very limited resources available.

Apart from providing health services within the prison setting, Dr. Danang is also working at his own private practice, providing quality and friendly primary healthcare services, including related to sexual and reproductive health and drugs.

For the UNALA program, an initiative funded by UNFPA Indonesia, Dr. Danang and a number of other doctors in Yogyakarta have generously provided their expertise for better sexual and reproductive health services and education for youths in Yogyakarta.

So dear friends and colleagues, should you visit Yogyakarta anytime soon or already stay in Yogyakarta and have any concerns or questions related to the above mentioned issues, please do not hesitate to contact him, because he will surely do his best to help. Moreover, Dr. Danang can also be contacted should you look for an expert related to program development in public health.

Thank you very much Dr. Danang for all the good things I have learned from you.

Greetings to all the great and inspiring Indonesian doctors, who are helping to improve Indonesian health services.


Dr. Danang’s profile and how to contact him


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