HAPPY Program

A Social Enterprise Program in Healthcare

Angsamerah is a private organization with a social enterprise’s soul. Happy Program is one of the healthcare delivery models created by Angsamerah. HAPPY stands for “Happy Physician, Happy Patient” and is an Angsamerah Initiative focusing on the strengthening of general practitioners in the private sector in Indonesia. The title of the initiative derives from the belief that knowledgeable, motivated and financially successful physicians provide better quality services to patients, thus making patients “happy”.

The Happy Program is an innovative approach that aims to strengthen the health system in Indonesia by creating a network of 100 private practices and small private clinics in big cities across Indonesia, which belong to the doctors operating them, and provide services in accordance with national guidelines and public health programs, and based on Angsamerah’s five key principles: 1) high medical quality; 2) client-oriented services; 3) motivated and skilled personnel; 4) an efficient and transparent management system; and 5) an efficient and innovative marketing system. The Happy Program, which constitutes a disruptive innovation in health care, will increase accessibility, affordability, and quality in Indonesian health care. Benefits are manifold:

Benefit to Society

The Happy Program, consisting of a network of up to 100 private practices and clinics, will considerably increase the number of services with a holistic and friendly approach to sexuality. Increased accessibility will lead to a decrease in morbidity and mortality related to sexual and reproductive health problems.

Benefit to Doctors

The Happy Program will upgrade the profile of general practitioners in Indonesia. The initiative will provide general practitioners with all the technical support they need to establish and run their own private practice or clinic. This may include clinical skills development, management support, assistance with data recording-reporting, quality control, promotion and marketing, and funding support. Participating doctors are expected to invest capital themselves, which is likely to increase their commitment and sense of belonging.

Benefit to Government

The large scope of the Happy Program, involving up to 100 private practices and clinics, will improve access to, uptake and coverage of effective and quality health services, thus considerably supporting the government’s public health agenda. Currently, more than 50% of out-of-pocket health expenditures are done within the private health sector. Improved coordination and collaboration between the public and private sectors will benefit society and strengthen the Indonesian health system.

Benefit to Investors

Investing in the Happy Program is investing in a healthier future for Indonesia, while at the same time allowing for moderate financial gains over a period of five years. It is ideal for social investors, who are looking for new innovative solutions for health care that can potentially be scaled up to maximize benefits for society.

Where do we stand?

Angsamerah Institution has been applying the Happy principles in its two own clinics from the start. Over the years, Angsamerah has tirelessly tried to improve its quality and worked on the feasibility of the program. The core elements of the Happy Program have already been applied within Angsamerah’s partnership with other institutions, such as ASHM, USAID-SUM II, and UNFPA. To date, Angsamerah’s partnership division has worked with 28 private practices and clinics on the five key principles for the operation of a healthy and successful private health care business, and 16 general practitioners have been mentored intensively.

Currently, Angsamerah is in the process of developing a business plan for the Happy Program and looking for interested partners and investors, who have a similar vision and belief in the feasibility of the program. This program is managed by Felix Neuenschwander.

Read more about Angsamerah

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