Scaling Up for Most at Risk Populations

Executive Summary – A Partnership between Angsamerah and SUM II on Providing Technical Assistance to 6 Private Clinic Partners in 4 Indonesian Provinces

The availabilty of high quality, friendly and affordable sexual and reproductive health services is still limited in Indonesia, resulting in suboptimal conditions for people at high risk of contracting HIV and STIs or those already suffering from it. Recent year’s efforts to expand these services have mainly centered on the public sector. The private sector, in particular on the primary health care level, has not been mobilized sufficiently. It is thus crucial to fill the gaps of existing services and add new and alternative service options.

Poor quality, lack of privacy, long waiting periods and short consultation times at public services have led many people, especially from the growing middle class, to seek services from private health care providers. Furthermore, a considerable part of the population, including many individuals at “high-risk” of HIV and other STIs, are not accessing any services for their sexual and reproductive health. While reasons for this are complex and diverse it is partly due to poor knowledge of sexual and reproductive health issues and or because they do not trust in or are dissatisfied with existing services.

The SUMII – USAID’s Project has recognized the vital role of the private health sector in filling existing gaps. Therefore, in 2012, SUM II has taken initiative to support Yayasan Angsamerah to create a model of sexual and reproductive health care delivery, which provides high quality, friendly and affordable services for middle income key affected populations and the general population.

Based on Angsamerah’s track record of creating strong models of sexual and reproductive health care delivery, within the second cycle of the partnership SUM II USAID has requested Angsamerah to provide technical assistance on how to set up and run a healthy health care business to a number of selected private clinics in four provinces (Component B within second SOW). As a first step, Angsamerah has conducted assessments at all selected clinics to collect the necessary information to develop a solid and tangible technical assistance workplan, which is tailored to the needs and aspirations of the selected clinics and reflects the peculiarities of each setting.

While all assessed clinics have been successfully providing friendly services to key affected populations (KAPs) for many years, with the proper strategies and adequate technical assistances and support the selected clinics can be further developed and “upgraded” and potentially become models for other clinics in similar settings on a provincial or even national level. The beneficiaries of this joint project will not only be key affected populations but also the health providers themselves, the local health governments, and society at large.

Due to the limited time availability for the implementation of the support packages Angsamerah will propose in this workplan only the most strategic and feasible technical assistances, with the main focus being laid on clinical management issues, improvement of the medical quality of the services, as well as business development and personnel aspects. Methods used by Angsamerah’s multidisciplinary team will include a study tour, trainings, workshops and mentoring.

The goal of the project is to increase the capacity of the six selected private clinics in four provinces (DKI Jakarta, Central Java, Riau Islands and Papua) to provide friendly, high-quality and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services to KAPs and other people in need of such services. This includes the increased efficiency of the clinic’s management systems, as well as the development of sustainable business concepts for each clinic.

Potentially, community health centres (puskesmas), public hospitals and other private health providers in the vicinity of the selected clinics will also be included in the TA package, depending on time and resources availability and their cooperativeness.

The project’s goal and purpose is to improve the quality of patient care at the six selected clinics, increase the efficiency of their clinic management systems and to help them develop sustainable and profitable business models.

After the completion of the technical assistance package at least one of the clinics will become a model for high quality and friendly sexual and reproductive health services and the involved teams become mentors for other interested clinics (public and private) at a provincial and national level.

The project partnership started in December 2014, and ended by February 2015.
The list of the six clinics.

  1. Pos Kesehatan Mandiri, LPPSLH, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah (Central Java)
  2. Klinik Wisma Kesehatan Terpadu Cendrawasih Tanjung Elmo Jayapura (Papua)
  3. Klinik Keluarga YKB, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara (DKI)
  4. Klinik Keluarga Kita, YKIE Batam (KEPRI)
  5. Klinik Griya ASA PKBI, Semarang (Central Java)
  6. Klinik Kalvari, Wamena (Papua)

Other documentation Success Stories of Angsamerah’s partnership with USAID’s projects

  • Jakarta’s Blok M Entairtement Area has New Private Clinic for Most at Risk Populations (Story 1)
  • Private Clinic and CSOs Collaborate in Film Festival Get Tested, Get Treated and Move on with your Life! (Story 2)
  • One of Angsamerah innovative models in healthcare social entrepreneurship for providing high quality and friendly services with affordable prices for society and working toward financially sustainable for the health providers, click here
  • Read more activities related to this project in TRAININGS section
  • Words from participants about our Study Tour and Training

The project was managed by Mr. Felix Neuenschwander

Angsamerah rhymes with social entrepreneurship for healthcare services.

If you are interested to have a partnership with Angsamerah, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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