Health Check Point (HCP) at Kiera Clinic

HCP Kiera is a new model of sustainable social business/enterprise (SSB/E) for health care services, developed by PT Angsamerah and Anak Bangsa Merajut Harapan (Angsamerah) Foundation. It is a health post which is part of a service sub-unit at Klinik Utama Kiera, which focuses on sexual and reproductive health services.

The partnership was initiated by the management of Kiera Clinic which opened a collaboration with Angsamerah services at Kiera Clinic, as part of the need of Kiera’s plan to expand their health care services in the areas of reproductive and sexual health and HIV services.

The objective of HCP Kiera services is to promote the health and well-being of the community around Klinik Kiera in Cimahi by providing high-quality, client-centered, affordable and sustainable health services related to reproductive health.

Also read: Why and How to Build a Successful Partnership?

The HCP Kiera market who directly receives HCP Kiera services are community members of reproductive age and of middle-income and above. The Klinik Kiera management is committed to provide services to disadvantaged community members in accordance to Klinik Kiera’s own capacity, through cross-subsidies, and/or from grants and donations from other organizations.

Investment sources for HCP Kiera services come from three organizations, namely Klinik Kiera, PT Angsamerah and Angsamerah Foundation. Investment amounts are calculated for a two-year period to enable sustainability and growth of the services. Investments include set-up costs (rent, renovation, equipment), and fixed and variable costs, for a period of 2 years of operation. For initial cost, HCP Kiera only needs 2 staff members: one physician and one nurse.

 Types of services provided

  • Offline and online doctors’ consultations
  • Prioritizing rapid test services, where results can be obtained with 30 minutes, such as rapid HIV test, rapid syphilis test, rapid hepatitis B and C tests, and referral lab tests for sexually transmitted infections and other co-morbid illnesses, such as pap smear screening, chlamydial/gonorrhea PCR, VL, CD4 and others.
  • Vaccination and family planning services.
  • Access to ARV services including PEP and PREP
  • Cooperation with referral laboratory and other health facilities: community health centers, and local civil society organization and its community, ART referral hospitals and clinics.

Progress at present

At present services are focuses on reproductive health, while HIV services and ARV provision are in process through coordination with the local Health Office and through partnerships with other ART referral health care facilities in Bandung and Cimahi.

Angsamerah management assistance in this partnership includes:

  • Comprehensive business plan with capital calculation
  • Information technology system which is integrated, monitored and updated by the Angsamerah team, including real time IT system maintenance.
  • Online customer care
  • Financial reporting and medical reports (number of patients, type of illnesses)
  • Medical and non-medical (customer care, human resources development, legal, finance, taxation) operational standards.
  • Staff job description
  • Salary range, key performance indicators and termination of staff.
  • Assist in process for obtaining ARV service permit.
  • Mentoring and support during preparation and operational stages: staff training, information technology system, marketing strategy, operations, and monitoring and evaluation.

Interested in partnership with Angsamerah, click Partnership Form

Also read: Types of Investment in Angsamerah and How To Do it??

Documentation of Training on Clinical and Management of Operating the Services, by the Angsamerah team for the Kiera Clinic team, in Jakarta, June 2023.

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