What are the Benefits of Independent Investment in Primary Healthcare Services?

It is reasonable for people to wonder, “what’s the benefit of independent investment in primary healthcare?” For me, this type of investment is delightful/fun/exciting/pleasant, and beneficial to a big scale of society, also I do it for the prosperity of Indonesia.

Precisely, there are three delightful things that affected me directly:

  • Getting financial satisfaction. The results of the investment are able to finance the fulfillment of life in old age, therefore one day I can live as a pensioner with financial freedom. Yes, even though I’m retired, I still have a reliable income so I’m able to control my own finances.
  • Feeling satisfied when someone has been helped, especially when they feel grateful for finding a solution from the investment efforts that I made.
  • Having more space to be creative and to contribute, mainly for people who have creative and innovative problem-solving ideas.

There are many individuals and private organizations with success stories about independent investment in the social and healthcare sectors. However, this article specifically tells a key story about my experience in building and running Angsamerah.

Angsamerah is a private organization that manages its investment independently in solving problems regarding access to primary health services for society, as well as attempting to grow investment in primary health facilities by the private sector.

These interesting things below are part of Angsamerah Company’s achievements. Without a doubt can be a reflection or discussion material, both individually and in groups.

  • Angsamerah Company has the courage to initiate investment independently.
  • Angsamerah Company is able to provide primary health services to the private sector and its expansion economically.
  • Angsamerah Company responds to one of the gaps in society’s needs regarding access to high-quality, friendly, and pleasant sexual health and HIV services. We all know that the stigma associated with this service is very strong, but Angsamerah’s services are not labeled with exclusivity and can be accessed by various community groups without stigma.
  • As an organization, Angsamerah Company is growing economically well and is able to invest by creating various service models that are needed by society.
  • Angsamerah Company initiated to establish Anak Bangsa Merajut Harapan (AngSaMeRaH) Foundation and supported the initial operational fund. Angsamerah Foundation then became an independent organization in financing the program development, services, and sex education for people who are socially and economically marginalized and stigmatized.
  • Provide facts about the implementation model of social entrepreneurship theory transformation in real life, where a profit-oriented organization such as Angsamerah Company can also contribute to solving social problems, and social organization such as Angsamerah Foundation can have an independent fund to finance the development and expansion of the Foundation’s programs and services.

What are Angsamerah Company’s contributions to the social issues in society? How was this done and what were the difficulties faced? Interested to know more? Please read the following link.

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