Angsamerah Learning Center

Strengthening the Indonesian Health Workforce

Angsamerah Institution has established itself as a training and learning center and “bank of ideas and innovations” for health care professionals from across Indonesia. In particular general practitioners, who are interested in increasing their professional capacities related to the clinical management of HIV and AIDS, STIs, hepatitis, tuberculosis and recreational drug use, and those who wish to learn more about how to set up and run a successful private practice or small private clinic, have profited from Angsamerah’s expertise and experience in the field.

The support package consists of a mix of theoretical and practical components, comprising clinical skills development, business strategy aspects and personnel development. Activities are delivered through workshops, study tours, bedside teaching trainings and work placements at the Angsamerah clinics.

Since 2010 Angsamerah has successfully created two innovative private clinic models, which provide services based on Angsamerah’s five key principles for running a successful private clinic: 1) high medical quality; 2) client-oriented services; 3) motivated and skilled personnel; 4) an efficient and transparent management system; and 5) apply an efficient and innovative marketing system. The two clinic models have the potential to serve as an incubator for other private clinics aiming to improve their services and develop their businesses in order to become well managed and sustainable health care businesses.

In July 2014, Angsamerah Institution collaborated with ASHM and IDI to conduct a two-day workshop titled “Practical Lessons: Clinical Management (SEX, HIV & DRUGs), Interpersonal Communication, and Business

Strategy in Primary Health Care Services, for General Practitioners in the Private Sector”. This workshop was aimed at providing general practitioners, who work in the private sector, with comprehensive basic knowledge related to the clinical management of HIV and AIDS, STI, hepatitis, tuberculosis and recreational drug use. Participating doctors also learned about the basics of counselling, interpersonal communication, and business strategy, and they attended a session on self-motivation. The workshop engaged a wide range of experienced national experts on HIV and AIDS, STI, HIV and hepatitis co-infection, HIV and tuberculosis co-infection, addiction medicine, gender and sexuality, counselling, communication and self-motivation.

Following the success of the 2014 workshop Angsamerah has since developed a more comprehensive support package for interested general practitioners, with a strong emphasis on practical aspects. In 2015 Angsamerah has conducted two similar workshops for both doctors from the private sector and doctors from community health centers (puskesmas). Apart from the three-day workshops the revised training and support package also consisted of a one-day hands-on bedside teaching training at the Angsamerah clinics.

The proposed training and support package for general practitioners is linked to Angsamerah’s long-term vision of contributing to the reformation of the Indonesian health system by creating a network of 100 private clinics and practices across Indonesia (HAPPY Initiative), providing access to quality health care to an increasing number of patients. The training program, which aligns with the national HIV program, has been endorsed by the National AIDS Commission (KPAN), the Ministry of Health, and IDI.

Angsamerah Training program is managed by Adhe Zam Zam Prasasti, for further information please do not hesitate to email us.

Link to some Angsamerah’s trainings.

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