Interested in Investing with Social and Financial Impact?

Angsamerah offers partnership opportunities with individuals, groups, and organizations to invest in providing primary healthcare services in the private sector, both in the form of clinics and medical private practices for general practitioner. The services focus on sexual and reproductive health, mental health, HIV, infectious diseases, and other related illnesses.

Why Choose Angsamerah?

  • The Angsamerah brand is already recognized by the public, and Angsamerah has experienced more than 13 years managing healthcare service with social enterprise strategy.
  • Saves time, costs, and energy in design, operations, promotion, and marketing matters.
  • Minimizes the risk of business failure.
  • Obtains a well-structured and integrated business management system.
  • Angsamerah’s medical standards and quality control are constantly updated.
  • Angsamerah has an extensive network of experts and organizations, both in the medical and non-medical sectors.

Also read: Building and Managing a Clinic, Expensive or Cheap?

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding everything related to investing in Angsamerah:

What is the focus of healthcare services at Angsamerah?

  • Angsamerah’s healthcare services focus on primary healthcare facilities, including clinics, private practices for general practitioner and midwife. The priority areas of service are reproductive and sexual health, mental health, and HIV.
  • Angsamerah’s healthcare services prioritize a partnership approach (Public Private Community Partnership) with national and regional health programs and other healthcare facilities, as well as various organizations and community peer groups, with the goal of mutual benefit, especially for the sake of patients/clients.

What partnership options are available?

What kind of people profile is suitable for investing in Angsamerah?

  • This investment is suitable for individuals who have an interest in the healthcare field, a social mindset in serving others, and an entrepreneurial spirit. Especially if you are interested in being involved in the operational aspects of the business, rather than just being an investor.

What kind of organization profile is suitable for investing in Angsamerah?

This investment is suitable for organizations that have an interest in the health sector and other social actions in society. Investment is possible as part of sustainable corporate social responsibility (CSR), or as a source of income for independent non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to grow and be sustainable.

How can you invest in Angsamerah?

How much investment is needed to open an Angsamerah outlet, and what are the expenses involved?

  • The investment amount varies, depending on several factors;; the capacity of partners, type of services, geographic location, community and social environment and type of potential clients.
  • You would need to invest 60-80% of the total capital for one outlet. It is also possible to have multiple investors (up to three investors) funding per one outlet. The remaining 20-40% will be invested by PT and Yayasan Angsamerah.

The investment amount varies, depending on several factors:

  • Branding costs (brand usage royalties)
  • Building rent for three years
  • Building renovation, exterior signage, design interior and furniture
  • Management information system and IT software
  • Two years of working capital
  • Outlet inventory (such as AC, laptops, refrigerators, stationery, etc.)
  • Initial training costs
  • Permits, and healthcare facility opening administration.

Capital investment for one business unit:

  • Private Practice for General Practitioners: Less than Rp. 500 million, with a building consisting of 2 consultation room and 1 simple laboratory, lobby, storage room, toilet, pantry.
  • Clinic: Approximately Rp. 5 billion, with a building consisting of 4 consultation rooms, 1 room for simple laboratory, lobby, doctor and nurse rooms, pharmacy, storage room, toilet, pantry.
  • Subunit Reproductive Health Service at the established clinic; less than IDR 500 million and for hospitals around IDR 700 million.


  • If you invest individually, the cost you would need to provide for an Private Practice, which is 80% of the capital, is approximately Rp. 400 million. If you have two colleagues or other investors who want to invest together in this unit, then, each of the three investors would contribute approximately Rp. 135 million.

What are the payments that investors need to make to Angsamerah?

  • Investment costs of up to a maximum of 80% of the total capital.
  • Management fees of 15% of the gross monthly income. This management fee covers the cost of Angsamerah’s management system and management team in fully managing the operations from start to finish for you. You don’t need to do anything and simply enjoy monthly profits.

How long does it take for Angsamerah to become profitable?

  • Based on our experience, if the annual sales target, target margin, and operational costs can be controlled, profit will be achieved in less than 2 years from the start of operations.

How long does it take to open one Angsamerah outlet?

  • On average, an outlet takes about 6 months after confirming the location.

What are the stages of investing in Angsamerah?

  • Fill out the Inquiry Investing Application Form.
  • Attend a presentation on investing in Angsamerah.
  • Sign an MOU.
  • Determine the outlet location.
  • Choose a contractor, create a design, and renovate the building according to the requirements and provisions of healthcare facilities.
  • Initiate pre-operational steps (guided by Angsamerah).
  • Attend initial training for staff, both medical and non-medical.
  • Open the outlet/launching.

How many employees are needed to run one outlet?

  • For a Private Practice, a minimum of 3 employees is required, while a Clinic requires a minimum of 6 employees. This number may increase as the business grows.

What support does Angsamerah provide?

  • Medical and non-medical operational standards (customer care, HRD, legal, finance, tax, marketing etc).
  • Established business concept and methods.
  • Complete business plan with capital calculations and its profit and loss.
  • Integrated, monitored, and updated IT systems by the Angsamerah team, including real-time IT system maintenance.
  • Support from preparation for the opening of healthcare facilities until operational phase: location selection, operational permits, building renovation, staff recruitment and training, IT system, marketing strategy, operations, monitoring, and evaluation.
  • Consultation on location selection and room design.

Interested in investing in Angsamerah?

Interested to have partnership with Angsamerah?

  • If investing in Angsamerah is not your interest. Angsamerah also opens for potential partnership opportunities for joint collaboration with various activities or programs that you have planned. If you have ideas of joint partnership of a program or activities, please fill out the Partnership Form with Angsamerah

Angsamerah Offices:

Jalan Johar No 6A, Kebon Sirih, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat.

Phone: 021-3160251


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Please use this form anytime to contact us with questions, or to schedule an appointment.

You can also contact us on WhatsApp or call us during clinic hours on +62 8111 368 364.