A lot of people have known Angsamerah as a friendly and professional clinic in serving patients and clients. But more than that, what is Angsamerah doing to improve the quality of its excellent service?

The secret is, Angsamerah always provides regular capacity building for the entire team, in order to keep updated with the knowledge development related to physical and mental health. For example, Angsamerah created some regular and planned educational programs that are managed by the management and with input from the staff member. In these programs, Angsamerah involved various communities, NGOs, and partners of Angsamerah Foundation to discuss about relatable topics.

With good responses and results from various parties, Angsamerah has developed an educational program called Kacapikir. Kacapikir is expanded for healthcare workers outside Angsamerah as well as the general public, delivering information in a fun way yet still educative, inspiring, persuasive and certainly creative.

There are three topics and life skills that are highlighted in Kacapikir, which cannot be separated from each individual and need good attention. Let’s check it out!

  1. Sexuality

Talking about sexuality not only physically but also psychologically, about issues that might arise in the private life without judgment, including discussing reproductive, sexual health and its diversity. Angsamerah believes that sexual health is an integral part of living an authentic life. So, by making it a priority, a person can significantly improve emotional, physical, and mental well-being, and even promote healthy physical and mental intimacy with a partner.

  1. Relationships

On this topic, we can share information in open discussions to enrich perceptions about relationships with partners and the social environment, with the intention to have a healthy and growing relationship life.

  1. Social Entrepreneurship

For those who are interested to solve social issues in society with business strategy, Kacapikir wraps this topic in the form of workshops to provide life skills and share the tips to develop a good self-ability to be creative, innovative and resilient for facing various challenges.

Next, what kind of activities that are held in Kacapikir?

Asah Pikir – Free online educational activities (via Zoom / Instagram TV / Instagram Live) that present moments of discussion between the general public or healthcare workers and the guest speaker with certain topics.

Bincang Kisah – Presenting people with inspirational life stories to motivate, encourage, and share lessons for others to imitate their success.

Life Skill Class Series – Intended for those who want to develop life skills by following a series of focused learning, creating a space for discussion and skilled learning.

The Experts Go to You – Bringing in experts as guest speakers for individuals, organizations, institutions and governments who want to conduct educational activities for others or for internal institutions with topics according to the needs.

Angsamerah believes that the society can significantly improve their health through routine and comprehensive educational programs (involving physical health, mental health, social care and independence). In addition, another goal to be achieved in this program is to introduce and motivate the general public not to delay accessing needed health services with a sense of security and comfort.

Kacapikir is supported by the Angsamerah Foundation, sponsors, donor agencies, and members of the expert associations in Angsamerah. So, see you in the next Kacapikir program!

Click: Event & Educational Material at IGKacapikir

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