They Speak and Live Their Dreams with Angsamerah

Jakarta, 12-16 January 2015.

Read about the Study Tour and Workshop.

Words from the participants about the technical assistances:

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-INGEV2B dr. Prisyana Kusumawardhani

“This program has truly opened my eyes. I can learn a lot that healthcare service has so many aspects, ranging from social, communication, business, and financial, but it is still important for us to work with our heart. I enjoy the workshop so much, it inspired me to open my own clinic that is consistent with my dream and passion. Thank you, Angsamerah. 1000 XOXO”

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-Nelly-YKB dr. Nelly, Keluarga Clinic (YKB), North Jakarta

“Angsamerah Clinic is a clinic that is suitable to serve as a model clinic, it is comfortable as well as systematic”

“This workshop is very useful and I will surely apply it to my practice”.

 Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-YOGAV2B dr. Dwi Yoga Yulianto, Griya ASA Clinic, Semarang

“Angsamerah workshop is full of inspiration and also suitable for our current needs. It gave us insight as well as motivation. I truly hope that there will be mentoring sessions to strengthen its results.”

 angsamerah-trainees-dokteri-VITAV2B dr.Vita Koedoes, Cendrawasih Clinic, Jayapura

“It’s cool.. I was surprised, “is it really a clinic?”, as I continued to dream that one day there will be a clinic this comfortable in Jayapura”

“From Angsamerah workshop, I gained knowledge and also colleagues. In the end it all made me very happy. My favorite session was positive character building session, it made me know how to deal with other people and maintain positive thinking towards other people as well as myself.”

 Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-YAMINV2B1 dr. M.Yamin, Keluarga Kita Clinic, Batam

“From my visit to Angsamerah clinic, I got the impression that it is a professionally managed clinic, looking from the design and clinic management as well as the strong confidence on choosing its target market.”

“Using interesting learning method, Angsamerah workshop gave variety of materials which are very useful for us in managing our clinic. I hope that Angsamerah will continue to share its valuable experience to other clinics.”

Angsamerah-trainees-dokter-ESTIV2B dr. Adiyana Esti

“Angsamerah training and workshop is very cool. It really enriched my knowledge, I can also learn and inspire me to fulfil my dream. The workshop system was designed deliberately to make not even a single person feel excluded, it valued every single one of us. I love Angsamerah. Muaaahhh….”

 Angsamerah-Trainees-dokter-ADAHV2B dr. Syahadah S, MARS

“Angsamerah study tour is really interesting, it’s where we can gain information and direct examples of a healthy clinic.”

“The workshop has really opened my eyes to further look into self-identity. It was really interesting!”

 Angsamerah-trainees-CHRISTINEV2B Christiani Maria H.S. Keluarga Kita Clinic, Batam

“Angsamerah is a very interesting healthcare service because its beauty care-like ambience and it really appreciates its patients’ privacy”

“I truly hope that my workplace also has an unique ambiance as it evolves to become a blessing towards others.”

 Angsamerah-trainees-KRISV2A Kris Maulana, LPPSLH Clinic, Purwokerto

“The study tour allowed us to learn firsthand about Angsamerah clinic and it was an inspiring experience. Now I am better informed and also inspired to create a high quality healthcare service.”

“The materials that were presented may support fully on my work and my social network. I personally like the character building session.”

Angsamerah-trainees-TOFIKV2A Muhammad Taufik Hidayat, Griya ASA Clinic, Semarang

“Amazing, inspiring, powerfull!! Those are the three words that came up to my mind once I set foot in Angsamerah clinic. Not only because the physical and management qualities, but more about the spirit that radiates from within. There is no doubt that these exceptional spirit and energy were built by the founder, dr. Nurlan, that were further transmitted to the rest of its components.”

“The training flow was determined strategically, it put the self-motivation session on the first day. This strategy made the whole workshop package become very useful and even more powerful. It’s not only about knowledge or skill that were built by the workshop material, but also about how those materials can be applied altogether to each clinic.”

“It’s not about knowledge and skill, it is about how to make our knowledge and skill useful.”

Angsamerah-trainees-RIAV2B Julinaria Sipayung, Cendrawasih Clinic, Jayapura

“It was a memorable experience for me because Angsamerah is a clean and comfortable clinic. It also has a very good building arrangement.”

“The workshop was brought by fully competent facilitators and speakers.”

Angsamerah-trainees-Nita YKB Rediscoveri Nitta, Keluarga Clinic (YKB), North Jakarta

“The study tour inspired us on how to arrange room settlement for our clinics. It also inspired us on how to show a good attitude and body language in treating patients, managing a clear, systematic, privacy-oriented, and on-time patient flow”

“Angsamerah workshop gave us new insights. It also refreshed some materials that we once studied before, as well as introducing us to new useful materials”

Angsamerah-trainees-Marcell-2 Marcell Kooijmans, Klinik Kalvari, Wamena, Papua

“We are really happy with Angsamerah’s support! This is an amazing experience and very different from what we have ever encountered before. Eventhough it was only three months, we have receieved so much!”

“Their technical assistances applied a partnership strategy that is built based on the Win Win Output to each party”

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