When Healthcare Workers & Patients Clash

Understanding Legal Protection for Healthcare Workers and Patients to Avoid Violations & Conflicts

According to Law on Health (Law No. 36/2009), “HEALTH” is interpreted as a healthy condition, both physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially that allows everyone to live socially and economically productive.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for healthcare access in the society has increased drastically. Therefore, the service flow and process are being highlighted by various parties; either from the hospital, the patient or the patient’s family.

Of course, a good relationship between healthcare workers and patients is expected. Meanwhile, there has been a lot of news recently that has revealed about conflicts between healthcare workers and patients that have led to physical violence.

What exactly causes clash between healthcare workers and patients? What do we need to understand in case of a dispute? What’s the solution?

For that reason, it is important to provide education for the society in order to prevent misunderstandings. Angsamerah Foundation has developed a program called Kacapikir, a virtual-based educational platform that discusses sexuality, relationships & social independence in a fun and interactive way.

Along with the United Indonesian Doctors Association (Perkumpulan Dokter Indonesia Bersatu / PDIB), Kacapikir has organized a webinar with the theme “When Healthcare Workers & Patients Clash – Understanding Legal Protection for Healthcare Workers and Patients to Avoid Violations & Conflicts”).

This webinar was held on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021 via ZOOM and opened for public. Attended by specialist doctors as guest speakers, namely dr. Reno Yonora, SE, SpAn and Dr. dr. Rospita Adelina Siregar, MH.Kes (Lecturer of FHUKI Jakarta), and moderated by dr. James Allan Rarung, SpOG, MM (Chairman of PDIB).

dr. Reno stated that the basic thing which must be understood when there is a conflict between healthcare workers and patients, is that there is also a role of health facilities management and policy makers, so it is necessary to evaluate and search for the cause of the problem with a clear mind.

Communication is the key,” said dr. Reno. There must be coordination and solidarity between healthcare workers, transparency from the management of health facilities, and openness from policy makers. Thus, the service can run in sync.

Legal protection itself is the protection of dignity, as well as recognition of human rights that are owned by legal subjects based on legal provisions of arbitrariness, with “government action” as a central point, (associated with legal protection for the people). (Philipus M. Hadjon).

It should be remembered that both patients and healthcare workers have rights & obligations regulated in the legislation. So, when we demand our rights, we have to make sure that we have done our responsibilities and also show ethics and courtesy when giving opinions. In addition, understand the problem well enough to avoid misunderstandings.

The management of health facilities has an important role in creating a good service scheme, and educating the staff as well as healthcare workers in providing services to patients. Even when there is a conflict between healthcare workers and patients, the health facilities management must be present to handle problems and find the best solution. dr. Rospita also added that healthcare workers must be lawful, thorough and professional in their work to create a sense of security.

Another thing that health facilities can do is to educate patients through information media facilities such as posters, infographics, short videos that are interesting and understandable by people.

This webinar activity received a very good response from the participants consisting of healthcare workers, doctors and even the general public. The rerun of this webinar can also be watched again on Angsamerah’s YouTube channel.


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