Partnership: Providing Mental Health Counseling, Overcoming Challenges Together

Lingkar Madani, Packard Foundation, Penabulu, dan Angsamerah

In everyday life, we are often faced with pressure, anxiety and difficult challenges. For those of us who work daily jobs, who are often in a harsh and stressful work environment, maintaining mental health is very important. This is why mental health counseling programs such as the Lingkar Madani – Angsamerah Joint Counseling Program, are so valuable.

Do I need mental health counseling?

Good mental health is key to well-being. Mental health counseling helps us manage the stress, anxiety, and depression we may experience. It also provides us with skills and strategies to better face life’s challenges.

What are the benefits of mental health counseling for me?

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety. Counseling gives us the opportunity to talk about the problems we face and find ways to overcome them, which can help reduce stress and anxiety levels.
  • Improving Coping (the way we face and respond to problems). With the help of a counselor, we can develop effective coping strategies to deal with life’s stresses and better overcome challenges.
  • Improves Emotional Well-Being. Counseling helps us to understand and manage our emotions better, so that we can feel happier and emotionally balanced.
  • Increase work productivity. With a healthy and stable emotional psychological condition, we are better able to focus on things that need to be prioritized in order to achieve targets and hopes.
  • Improve intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. Through the counseling process, we not only get an overview of the root of the problem, we can also get solutions or alternatives that can come from ourselves with professional help. Apart from that, the counseling process also explores intrapersonal and interpersonal skills that can be improved to become a more neutral, useful and professional individual.

Can a counseling program help me?

The joint Counseling Program with Lingkar Madani-Penabulu and Angsamerah, provides easy and affordable access to quality counseling services specifically for Lingkar Madani CSOs which has been running since 2022. Through individual and group counseling sessions, participants can get the support and assistance they need to overcome problems and improve their welfare.

Do I have the right to access?

At the moment the service is specifically for CSOs that link to Lingkar Madani and Penabulu.

This program, supported by the Packard Foundation and the Penabulu Foundation, has made possible the implementation of this program with financial support for CSOs under the Lingkar Madani – Penabulu partnership which is an important step in ensuring that mental health counseling services can be accessed by those who need them.

The following mental health services can be accessed;

  • Individual Counseling Sessions. Each participant will have the opportunity to meet with a trained Psychologist/ Psychiatrist/ Life-Coach individually to discuss the problems and challenges they face in everyday life.
  • Group Sessions. In addition to individual counseling, there will be group counseling sessions that allow participants to share experiences and support each other in overcoming similar problems.
  • Mental Health Education with KACAPIKIR. The program will also host mental health education sessions that help participants understand the importance of mental health and strategies for maintaining emotional balance.

How are the technical counseling services provided?

  • As long as the collaboration program between Penabulu and Angsamerah is ongoing, this service can be accessed as needed.
  • Angsamerah Clinic has service hours and program participants can adjust their time to service hours at Angsamerah by appointment.
    • Offline Counseling (By Agreement)
      • Angsamerah Fatmawati Clinic
        • Monday – Saturday; 10.00 – 19.00 WIB Deadline for making an appointment 17.30 WIB
      • Angsamerah Menteng Clinic 
        • Tuesday – Thursday; 17.00 – 21.00 WIB Deadline for making an appointment schedule 17.30 WIB
      • Private Practice Dr. Lamsaria Siburian (Angsamerah Depok)
        • Monday – Saturday; 10.00 – 19.00 WIB Deadline for making appointment schedules 17.30 WIB
    • Online Counseling (By Agreement). Monday – Saturday 10.00 – 21.00 WIB
  • Services can be provided online and offline with a maximum duration of one session (45 minutes). If additional consultation hours are needed, you need to consult with the admin and expert counselors.
  • Program participants can provide satisfaction scores or constructive inputs on the form link that will be provided after the counseling service that day.

Is the confidentiality of my data guaranteed?

Angsamerah guarantees the confidentiality of the counseling status of program participants, unless a referral is required. Which of course, with the client’s permission, Angsamerah can provide general information to facilitate the referral process and further counseling. Visit records were not given to Penabulu (as the employer and main program supporter/donor) as a matter of counseling service ethics.

Register yourself via:

  • WhatsApp +628111368364
  • Email

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Please use this form anytime to contact us with questions, or to schedule an appointment.

You can also contact us on WhatsApp or call us during clinic hours on +62 8111 368 364.