Partnership: Providing Mental Health Counseling, Overcoming Challenges Together

Lingkar Madani, Packard Foundation, Penabulu, dan Angsamerah

“In everyday life, we often face pressure, anxiety, and difficult challenges. For those of us working in demanding and stressful environments, maintaining mental health is crucial. That’s why mental health counseling programs, like the Lingkar Madani – Angsamerah Joint Counseling Program, are so valuable.

Good mental health is essential for overall well-being. Mental health counseling helps us manage stress, anxiety, and depression, while equipping us with the skills and strategies to face life’s challenges more effectively.

Do I need mental health counseling?

Good mental health is essential for overall well-being. Mental health counseling helps us manage the stress, anxiety, and depression while equipping us with the skills and strategies to face life’s challenges more effectively. individuals.

What are the benefits of mental health counseling for me?

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety. Counseling provides a safe space to discuss the problems we face and discover ways to overcome them, helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels.
  • Improving Coping (the way we face and respond to problems). With the support of a counselor, we can develop effective coping strategies to handle life’s stresses and navigate challenges more successfully.
  • Improves Emotional Well-Being. Counseling helps us better understand and manage our emotions, leading to increased happiness and emotional stability.
  • Increase work productivity. A healthy, stable mental state allows us to focus on our priorities, helping us achieve both personal and professional goals.
  • Improve intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. Through the counseling process, we not only gain insight into the root of our problems, but we also explore potential solutions with professional guidance. Additionally, counseling enhances both intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, helping us become more balanced, effective, and professional individuals.

Can a counseling program help me?

The joint Counseling Program by Lingkar Madani-Penabulu and Angsamerah provides easy and affordable access to quality counseling services, specifically for Lingkar Madani CSOs. Running since 2022, the program offers individual and group counseling sessions to help participants address challenges and improve their well-being.

Do I have the right to access?

Currently, the service is available exclusively to CSOs affiliated with Lingkar Madani and Penabulu.

Supported by the Packard Foundation and Penabulu Foundation, this program is made possible through financial support for CSOs under the Lingkar Madani-Penabulu partnership. It is a significant step toward ensuring that mental health counseling services are accessible to those who need them.

The following mental health services can be accessed;

  • Individual Counseling Sessions. Participants can meet one-on-one with a trained psychologist, psychiatrist, or life coach to discuss personal challenges and find solutions to the issues they face in daily life.
  • Group Counselling Sessions. In addition to individual sessions, group counseling allows participants to share experiences and provide mutual support while addressing similar problems.
  • Mental Health Education with KACAPIKIR. The program also includes mental health education sessions to help participants understand the importance of mental well-being and strategies for maintaining emotional balance.

If you’re interested in exploring other potential partnership models with Angsamerah, please read the article A Decade of Angsamerah’s Transformative Healthcare Models

How are the counseling services provided?

  • As long as the collaboration between Penabulu and Angsamerah is active, this service is available to participants as needed.
  • Angsamerah Clinic offers counseling during its service hours, and participants can schedule appointments to fit within these times.
    • Offline Counseling (By Appointment)
      • Angsamerah Fatmawati Clinic
        • Monday – Saturday; 10.00 – 19.00 WIB.
        • Appointment deadline: 17:30 WIB
      • Angsamerah Menteng Clinic 
        • Tuesday – Thursday; 17.00 – 21.00 WIB
        • Appointment deadline: 17:30 WIB
      • Private Practice Dr. Lamsaria Siburian (Angsamerah Depok)
        • Monday – Saturday; 10.00 – 19.00 WIB
        • Appointment deadline: 17:30 WIB
    • Online Counseling (By Appointment).
      • Available Monday – Saturday, 10:00 – 21:00 WIB
  • Both online and offline services are provided with a maximum session duration of 45 minutes. If additional consultation time is needed, you can discuss this with the program admin and counselors.
  • Program participants will also have the opportunity to provide satisfaction ratings or constructive feedback through a form link provided after each counseling session.

Is the confidentiality of my data guaranteed?

Angsamerah guarantees the confidentiality of program participants’ counseling status. In cases where a referral is needed, Angsamerah will only share general information with the client’s consent to facilitate the referral process. Counseling records will not be shared with Penabulu (as the employer and primary supporter/donor) to uphold ethical counseling practices.

Register here:

  • WhatsApp +628111368364
  • Email

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