In this article, we are pleased to introduce the various business units of Angsamerah, sharing our unique journey in social business and innovations. We hope this inspires new ideas and encourage you to explore potential partnership opportunities with us.
Explore Partnership Opportunities with Angsamerah
- Join Us in Expanding Our Angsamerah Clinic Model: Invest in our new ventures in establishing clinics and private practices.
- One Stop Services: Collaborate with us to establish comprehensive and integrated sexual, reproductive, and mental health services within your facilities—be it hospitals, clinics, or private practices.
- Marketing and Promotion: Utilize Angsamerah’s web-based and social media platforms as a dynamic tool for marketing and promoting your health education events, products, and services, as well one of options for your advocacy campaign.
- Strategic Development Inputs: Gain valuable insights and strategic guidance for your program/project development, and innovative new social business ideas (start-up or expansion), focusing on integrated public health, primary health care and private sector.
- Training: Access our training and pool of experts in sexual/mental health and social entrepreneurship, equipping your team with cutting-edge knowledge and skills.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any ideas or questions about partnering with Angsamerah. Simply fill out the form and send it to us. We will respond promptly with clearest possible explanation.
Our Journey
The First Clinic
The journey began with the opening of the Clinic in Blora Menteng, Central Jakarta, targeting upper and upper-middle-class communities. The clinic later moved to its location in Johar Menteng, Central Jakarta.
The clinic offered comprehensive healthcare services, including HIV care, infectious disease management, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, and mental health services. These services strictly adhere to Indonesia’s Ministry of Health (MoH) guidelines, initiated by Angsamerah’s founder, Dr. Nurlan Silitonga, M.Med
Since the establishment of Angsamerah’s first clinic in 2010, Angsamerah has been a pioneer in providing high-quality, stigma-free sexual health services in Indonesia. To date, over 1300 people living with HIV have accessed a routine continuum of HIV care and subsidised antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Angsamerah clinics.
Angsamerah has a goal to expand this clinic model in big cities in Indonesia, such as Surabaya, Bali, Batam, and Makasar, and we are opening partnership opportunities for both organizations and individuals to join us in our expansion plan.
Interested in investing with us? Please read: Interested in Investing with Social and Financial Impact?
Angsamerah Foundation (Yayasan Anak Bangsa Merajut Harapan)
In late 2013, Angsamerah expanded its reach by establishing the Yayasan Anak Bangsa Merajut Harapan (Angsamerah Foundation) and opening the second clinic in Fatmawati, South Jakarta. This clinic, which initially provided free healthcare services to socio-economically marginalised communities, to ensure the sustainability of the services, is owned by the Angsamerah Foundation, and funded by PT. Angsamerah, USAID programs (SUM II, Linkages, and EpiC), and the COFRA Foundation.
Since 2018, the Angsamerah Foundation has proven its ability to be sustainable and self-funded in delivering its missions and goals, as well as taking initiatives to develop new innovative programs.
Angsamerah implements social entrepreneurship strategies into its daily operation and benefits from ongoing support from local and international partners, including the Indonesian Ministry of Health (MoH), and the Indonesian National AIDS Commission (KPAN). This combination of social entrepreneurship and collaborative support is pivotal for the sustainable operation of Angsamerah’s social business clinic, enabling it to operate independently.
Also read: Why and How to Build a Successful Partnership?
Angsamerah POS
In 2019, the Angsamerah Foundation launched Angsamerah POS, a Health Checkpoint offering rapid diagnostic services, including HIV testing. This successful program piqued the interest of donors, leading to partnerships with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) since 2020 and the EpiC Program by USAID Indonesia in 2022.
These collaborations strengthened Angsamerah’s reach by providing a much-needed mobile clinic service, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Angsamerah POS adapted to the post-pandemic landscape by reshaping its program to reach segmented key populations, such as prisoners in need of HIV care.
By the end of June 2024, through this service, over 8000 marginalised people have accessed the HIV service for free, and 200 PLHIV routinely access ART through our health facilities.
Teleconsultation Services
While Angsamerah POS was developed and expanded during COVID-19, teleconsultation services for patients were also developed to reach clients during the pandemic when in-person visits were restricted. To date, the service is still operating, as an easy option for patients who live outside Jakarta and have a busy schedule.
Angsamerah’s experience with teleconsultation services began in 2017 with the Doctor2Doctor Program, a clinical teleconsultation service for clinicians. General practitioners were the primary beneficiaries of this service. Funded by a USAID program, this initiative served as a clinical mentoring hotline, primarily focusing on HIV treatment and care, other infectious diseases, and information about national and regional public health programs.
SAHABAT – Buddy Support Group
Initiated jointly by Angsamerah in partnership with individuals George Alain and Alfons Adrian, and supported by initial funding from PT and Yayasan Angsamerah. The SAHABAT Program is designed to provide support and a safe space for clients to discuss with peer counsellors before continuing their consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist. Running since 2022, the program offers both online and offline meetings.
In 2024, the program expanded to provide a safe space at Angsamerah Clinic Menteng for anonymous group meetings with people living with HIV (PLHIV), survivors, and patient companions. Through monthly meetings, participants can share experiences, gain knowledge, and improve their quality of life.
Guided by experts such as counsellors, life coaches, and psychologists, each session is designed to meet the emotional and psychological needs of participants while encouraging self-acceptance and adherence to treatment.
With relevant themes such as self-esteem, relationships, and mental health, the SAHABAT Program aims to build a supportive and inclusive community. These meetings create an empathetic environment where every individual feels heard and valued.
As part of Yayasan Angsamerah’s commitment to improving community well-being, the SAHABAT Program continues to strive for a positive impact and empower participants on their life journeys.
KACAPIKIR: Education, Training and Advocacy
The Education, Training and Advocacy Program is under the umbrella of the Angsamerah Foundation. The activities of the program have been started since 2013. Then, in 2020, this program was named KACAPIKIR. Through KACAPIKIR we provide education, training and advocacy related to sexual/reproductive/ mental health issues, including practical skills related to social entrepreneurship in a healthcare setting.
Our Education, Training and Advocacy programs are delivered through various mechanisms; offline and online through our website and social media platforms.
Angsamerah Blog hosts over 500 health articles, and documentation of various advocacy events, health events, trainings and project/program development related to Angsamerah’s works/missions. The information is consistently updated, and attracts more than 1,000 daily viewers seeking information about sexual health, HIV, mental health, public health and Angsamerah’s services.
We are offering a partnership opportunity to use our Blog and social media platforms to serve as one of your marketing, promotion, or advocacy tools. By collaborating with us, you can leverage our resources and expertise to enhance your outreach efforts, increase brand visibility, and effectively engage with your target audience.
If you have ideas and/or questions about partnership with Angsamerah, please contact us by filling out this form.
Angsamerah’s Achievements
Since 2014, the Angsamerah Foundation, with support from PT. Angsamerah has committed to supporting public health education to focus on sexuality, mental health, and social entrepreneurship.
Some training and education activities we have delivered:
- In October 2013, a training for physicians in the private sector in DIY with the topic “Friendly Sexual & Reproductive Health Services for Adolescents for Physicians in Private Sector in DIY”.
- Collaborated with ASHM and IDI to conduct a two-day workshop titled “Practical Lessons: Clinical Management (SEX, HIV & DRUGs), Interpersonal Communication, and Business”, in Jakarta 2014. Then in 2015, another similar workshop were held for both doctors from the private sector and doctors from community health centers (puskesmas) in DKI Province. Apart from the three-day workshops, a training and support package also consisted of a one-day hands-on bedside teaching training at the Angsamerah clinics. This workshop was funded by ASHM, USAID and COFRA Foundation.
- In 2014, In House Training – Communications Skills for the Veterinary Leaders, Directorate General Veterinary, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia. In 2015, Angsamerah was entrusted to develop a training of trainer (TOT) module. This module outlines methods for training individuals to become reliable trainers and facilitators. The Directorate of Animal Health uses this module for the Champions of ISIKHNAS (National Animal Health Information System) or ISIKHNAS managers. In 2016, Angsamerah was again trusted to conduct interpersonal and intrapersonal skills training. The skills taught included effective communication, public speaking, and counseling. Participants also learned how to be effective facilitators and how to stay motivated in their personal and professional lives. All three activities were funded by The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Emerging Infectious Diseases (AIP-EID).
- In 2016, education and counseling as well HIV screening to refugees
- In 2018, Practical Skills Training of Psychology First Aid for Cadres and Midwives. The training helps them to recognize the signs of anxiety disorders, emotions and post-disaster disorders, as its basic therapy, and referral system to the Angsamerah team and other local experts. The training was funded by Project Hope.
- In February 2023, trainings for Lingkar Madani Yayasan Penabulu. The training was about Psychosocial Support for Organisations. The training was divided into two skill sessions: 1. To Develop Work Life Balance Program for Program/ HRD Officer, 2. Psychology First AID for Staff.
- In 2023, in partnership with IQVIA, Angsamerah assisted the Ministry of Health in Indonesia to conduct national training and mentoring on Comprehensive and Integrated HIV Care Support and Treatment for the team from 20 private big chain hospitals in Java. Each team consisted of a Physician, Nurse, Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician and Data Officer.
- Also, since 2020, Angsamerah Foundation through the KACAPIKIR program has conducted serial health education activities through webinars and IGlive
General Practitioner Private Practice in Depok
In 2021, Angsamerah’s general practitioner private practice in Depok, West Java, began operating, offering affordable sexual health services with a focus on public unreached communities. This is part of the long-term goal of Angsamerah related to strengthening primary health care focusing on private practice for general practitioners and midwives.
We believe that a well-organized support system can enable private practices to foster strong relationships between patients and providers, leading to higher patient satisfaction and improved health outcomes. Additionally, private practice owners benefit from having accessible and affordable operational and marketing systems, which contribute to increased revenue and overall business success.
Angsamerah is opening opportunities for both profit and non-profit organizations to participate in this mission, aimed at strengthening the private practice for general practitioners and midwives.
Also read: Dr. Lamsaria Siburian’s Private Practice in Depok
Angsamerah Pharmacy
In 2022, Angsamerah introduced a pharmacy in Fatmawati as a new social business model. Our pharmacy’s main focus is on providing mental health medicine, STI medication, and addressing the need for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). The pharmacy is equipped with an online system, enabling clients to conveniently browse and buy the medications they need.
Also, as part of our corporate social responsibility program, we provide a Discounted Medication Program, focusing on organizations such as local NGOs, and private practice (GP and Midwife).
Discover the convenience of browsing and purchasing your medications today at Angsamerah Pharmacy.
Health Check Point in Klinik Kiera
In 2023, Angsamerah expanded its collaboration to include a Health Check Point at Klinik Kiera in Cimahi, West Java, for HIV diagnosis and care. Then, the partnership is extended, whereas Angsamerah provides a system and management for Kiera Clinic to deliver comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services including HIV services. In January 2024, Klinik Kiera and appointed by West Java Provincial Health Office becoming an independent ARV Services for HIV Treatment.
Angsamerah Partnership
Angsamerah has also successfully reached private companies and non-profit organizations providing education, events, and project management, including clinical services to their employees and/or company social responsibility (CSR) Program.
- A joint partnership UNFPA and Angsamerah Foundation in setting up and implementing UNALA program, in February 2014 to February 2015
- From 2013 to 2015, Angsamerah managed the ASHM program in Indonesia focusing on strengthening health service providers in public and private health facilities, medical organizations and prisons/detention centres related to the provision of HIV and hepatitis diagnostic and treatment services.
- In 2014, The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Emerging Infectious Diseases (AIP-EID) trusted Angsamerah to manage In-House Training – Communications Skills for the Veterinary Leaders, Directorate General Veterinary, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia. Then in 2016, Angsamerah conducted another training aimed at developing both interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. The training included areas such as effective communication, public speaking, and counselling. Participants also learned how to be effective facilitators and how to stay motivated in their personal and professional lives.
- In 2018, under the UNODC program, Angsamerah conducted a review, entitled ” Women’s Rights and Health in Indonesia’s Prisons: A Review of Current Practice”
- In 2018, during the Palu earthquake, and funded by Project Hope International, Angsamerah assisted in developing and managing the Psychological First Aid Program for Disaster Response.
- In the same year, 2019, Angsamerah and business partners organized the Heartpreneur Festival, combining health, arts, and entrepreneurship in a joyful collaboration.
- In 2023, funded by The Global Fund, IQVIA and Angsamerah provided assistance to the Ministry of Health in Indonesia to strengthen Differentiated Service Delivery in HIV diagnostics and treatment from June to December 2023. By mobilizing a Public Private Community Partnership strategy focusing on 20 private big chain hospitals in Java to establish comprehensive HIV services. The joint consortium works of this pilot project resulted: in the operational guidelines for this project, training and mentoring for the team in these hospitals, and lessons learned from the pilot.
- Since 2020, Angsamerah has collaborated with Yayasan Penabulu, funded by Packard Foundation, providing mental health education initiatives and psychological clinical services for employees of 70 civil society organizations (CSOs) across Indonesia to provide mental health education initiatives and psychological clinical services.
- Since 2020, Church World Service (CWS) has provided financial support for Angsamerah Clinic to provide comprehensive clinical sexual, reproductive health and HIV for refugees.
- Managed a variety of sexual, reproductive and mental health education, events and HIV services to British Petroleum (BP), ExxonMobil, Petrosea, PT. Bayan, Private Schools and Universities, etc.
Not limited to partnerships with private sectors in B2B collaborations, Angsamerah is also actively collaborating with local government facilities and national programs. They are contributing to accelerating the HIV program alongside TB and Hepatitis for a nationwide triple elimination program by Indonesia’s government.
Integrating Digital Solutions
Beyond the digital reach, Angsamerah’s IT Department has developed its very own application for booking online and electronic medical records, and it has integrated with SatuSehat (a national digital health ecosystem) for patient-clinic information management. We continue to enhance our applications for finance, human resources and other management systems.
These developments not only streamline our internal processes but also lay the groundwork for future expansions aimed at improving healthcare accessibility and operational efficiency.
As we refine these systems, we are exploring opportunities to scale these digital solutions to other healthcare providers, potentially offering our innovative tools as a service to civil society organization’s programs and clinics associate.
Innovative Public Health Models and Strategic Partnerships
Through these innovative and adaptable models, Angsamerah has enhanced effectively to develop an integrated public health system and social entrepreneurship that is client-oriented and accessible both digitally and directly.
These initiatives represent Angsamerah’s vision as an incubator in the healthcare industry, specializing in the development of sustainable social businesses. We are committed to continuing to pioneer innovative models that address critical healthcare needs while upholding social responsibility and financial viability.
Angsamerah remains dedicated to expanding its services and ensuring high-quality, affordable healthcare for all. We believe that by mobilizing partnership strategies across public, private, and community sectors, we can achieve our goals, benefit our partners, and have a positive impact on society.
Also read: How We Do it, As a Social Enterprise in Health Care?
Interested to have partnership with Angsamerah?
If investing in Angsamerah is not your interest. Angsamerah also opens potential partnership opportunities for collaboration with various activities or programs that you have planned. If you have ideas for a joint partnership in a program or activities, please fill out the Partnership Form with Angsamerah.